Children’s Hospital, Central Valley, California: Murals


Children’s Hospital Central Valley, California.Sierra View Hospital, Porterville, CA.

Mother and Child 

I was approached to paint murals in a new hospital wing for Children’s Hospital, Central Valley. The project entailed 150’ of nurses’ stations, eight hospital rooms, and an examination room. I called for help, and my son Charles Gilbert helped me for this month long project. My son was attending the Academy of Art in San Francisco, and left his studies for this project, I dropped out of the teaching credential program I was in. We dedicated our lives just for a month, and had the most enjoyable time with this project!


We decided upon a theme for each room, a location in Africa, India, Australia, China.

We then focused upon what scenes we wanted to portray.

Thinking of the children, and the suffering and healing they would experience here,

we chose family scenes of Mother and Child.







The faces of the animals had to show loving kindness.

The eyes were so important.

We worked from photos of animal families,

and just painted what we saw,

all animals, including the human kind

love their children.


Artist: Charles Gilbert

Artist: Charles Gilbert




Animal family groups reflect values that human children can understand.

Children delight in seeing animals at play.





The Examination Room

These Monkeys are awaiting the appearance of their new friend, the Meerkat!




Water Room, Hippopotamus and Crane.

Water Room, Hippopotamus and water birds.






Grandma Chimp

Grandmother Chimpanzee





Animals are dangerous in the wild, they had to appear kindly,

rather than hungary.



Bamboo Room and Panda


Bamboo Room and Panda


African Safari Room









Examination Room

Examination Room




Our animal species are disappearing a such a rapid rate.

Humanity is spreading out even into animal sanctuaries.

We need more land for factories, resorts, plantations,

and economic growth.

Many animals will not be able to adapt the the rapid change in climate,

even the primates,

Homo Sapins Sapins

mother and child - Bangkok, city of angels

mother and child – Bangkok, city of angels (Photo credit: Sailing “Footprints: Real to Reel” (Ronn ashore))


There is an excellent blog on WordPress if you are interested in

animal protection and rights.

Animal Post:


I am not showing what an elephant looks like with it’s tusks removed,


Tigers killed for the Japanese markets (aphrodisiacs)


Even I can’t bear to look,

but as the world we know disappears,

our grandchildren will ask us about this, too,

“Where have all the animals gone?”



Meerkat. Taken in Victoria, Australia in Febru...

Meerkat. Taken in Victoria, Australia in February 2009. Français : Un Suricate (Suricata suricatta). Photo prise dans l’état de Victoria, en Australie, en février 2009. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)





Great sadness, and a great loss of our primate friends.

When humans harm their own kind,

which they do daily to the unprotected and

vulnerable, I am sad.

 When humans harm other species, because they are unprotected and 

vulnerable, I am sad, and I am ashamed for humanity.


Something has been missing from our species:





We blindly destroy our selves,

fellow creatures,

our planet.

We are unstoppable.


If you are kind, compassionate, and wise,

stand up for what you believe in.

The time is now!


And really, think about what you do,

what you eat,

what you believe.

Start with how you live your life,

make changes.

First Light Productions

by Innocent Mburanumwe, Virunga  28 Jul 2007

“I have been thinking

about these images, because we have all found them so upsetting, but as in the past, it is better that people see what is really happening. I will try to recount the events as best I can and I am sorry that the images are so disturbing.

I was in Goma on the night of 22 July. Emmanuel de Merode was in Bukima with members of my team, and Scott and Brent of Newsweek.

They heard shots at around 8pm.

The next day, a patrol went in from the Bikenge patrol post and quickly found the bodies of three females. It was crushing to hear the news. It is the worst thing that can happen, when a whole group is attacked, and when so many are killed.

The team split into two groups, with one team of Rangers…

View original post 256 more words

18 Minutes That Will Change Your Life…The Overview Effect…40th anniversary of photos of Earth from space.


Please enlarge for better viewing.

Directed by Guy Reid

Concept: Guy Reid and Steve Kennedy







This portrayal of planet Earth has effected me beyond words…




Astronaut Edgar Mitchell sought to find a philosophy that would express

what he experienced viewing planet Earth from space.

After a search, with no results, he contacted an university to research this,

and they told him about a Hindu philosophy, Sankalpa Samati.


Sankalpa Samati 

“For the success of the sankalpa, certain conditions must be met.

The sankalpa is like a seed that will have tremendous power,

but only if it is sown in fertile ground, looked after and tended daily,

with the inner certainty that the seed will produce its fruit in its own time.

After the sankalpa is made, the mind nurtures it at deeper levels

as the roots of the seed go further down, the emotions express it as a

positive feeling that has power and strength, the body resonates with it,

and the intellect does not question it – ever.

Faith is where all the dimensions of the personality are in harmony,

undivided and moving in the same direction together. How can it not succeed?

Lastly, the sankalpa need not be influenced by words alone.

It may also be visualized symbolically as an image,

felt as a sensation; it may bring up certain feelings which have a recognizable force

or are just quietly known.

In the end the sankalpa is not just something nice you say three times twice in yoga nidra,

but it is a motivating force that you are living and moving toward

all the time, every day.”

                                                      Swami Anadakumar Saraswati  


“I  think you start out with this idea of what it’s going to be like…and then when you do finally look at the Earth for the first time…you’re overwhelmed by how much more beautiful it really is, when you see it for real.

It’s just like its this dynamic, alive place, ..that you see glowing all the time..”

-Nicole Stott, Shuttle, ISS Astronaut

“When we look down on the Earth from space, we see this amazing, indescribably beautiful planet, looks like a living, breathing organism..”

Ron Garan, Suttle, ISS Astronaut

Stewart Brand

About 40 years ago I wore a button that said, “Why haven’t we seen a photograph of the whole Earth yet?” Then we finally saw the pictures. What did it do for us?

The shift that has happened in 40 years which mainly has to do with climate change. Forty years ago, I could say in the Whole Earth Catalog, “we are as gods, we might as well get good at it”. Photographs of earth from space had that god-like perspective.


Kim Bhasin | Business Insider

A short film released by Planetary Collective called “OVERVIEW” has some fantastic interviews with astronauts who described their experience seeing Earth from space.

It’s something that can’t be replicated and it totally changes your perspective.

The “overview effect,” first described by author Frank White in 1987, is the sudden recognition that we live on a planet. The experience transforms a person’s perspective of Earth and mankind’s place upon it, and he or she begins to think of Earth as more of a “shared home” and have a strong feeling of awe.

From shuttle astronaut Jeff Hoffman:

“You do, from that perspective, see the Earth as a planet. You see the sun as a star – we see the sun in a blue sky, but up there, you see the sun in a black sky. So, yeah, you are seeing it from the cosmic perspective.”

Shuttle/ISS astronaut Nicole Stott:

“We have this connection to Earth. I mean, it’s our home. And I don’t know how you can come back and not, in some way, be changed. It may be subtle. You see difference in different people in their general response when they come back from space. But I think, collectively, everybody has that emblazoned on their memories, the way the planet looks. You can’t take that lightly.”

Shuttle/ISS astronaut Ron Garan:

“When we look down at the earth from space, we see this amazing, indescribably beautiful planet. It looks like a living, breathing organism. But it also, at the same time, looks extremely fragile.

… Anybody else who’s ever gone to space says the same thing because it really is striking and it’s really sobering to see this paper-thin layer and to realize that that little paper-thin layer is all that protects every living thing on Earth from death, basically. From the harshness of space.”


ReBlogged from Climate Crocks

A View of Earth from Saturn

A View of Earth from Saturn (Photo credit: alpoma)

English: Astronaut Nicole Stott, mission speci...

English: Astronaut Nicole Stott, mission specialist/flight engineer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Marching for our planet in San Francisco…a radio interview…and the link to Chris Jordan’s Art Website.


San Francisco, February 17th, 2013

A Climate Rally   Sierra Club   Greenpeace




The last time I marched in San Francisco,

I  snuck out of the house, ran away to San Francisco with ‘Flowers in My Hair’.


This time was a replay.

I didn’t want to tell my Octogenarian mother

that I was going to San Francisco

to march for the Environment.

She would worry.

I snuck out of town without telling her,

and my son ratted on me.

Little did I know that I should have invited her.

My fellow marchers, those human’s that care about our Planet,

were Baby Boomers and Senior Citizens.

Raging Granny's

Raging Granny’s

There were Grandmother’s, Great Grandmother’s

and young families, mom’s, dad’s and babies.


I was glad to see them. This is not the radical fringe.

These are real people who care about our Planet.


We need the Radical Fringe, the Granny’s in the middle,

and everyone else we can get to change our looming future.



Finally joined Greenpeace: Meet Chris.




After the Climate March I was interviewed by Liana Vola,  from Ontario, Canada.

Contemplative, Expressive and Imaginative Arts

Liana Voia (MA, PhD) conducted all video

and radio interviews in the arts/therapy series.

Here is the link to the program:–fine-artist-and-muralist

Listen if you feel you must! It’s about my art, and environmental influences on my art.


I was speaking from the Ferry Building Pier, watching sailboats slide by.





English: The Ferry Building in San Francisco a...

English: The Ferry Building in San Francisco along the Embarcadero (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Ferry Building is a terminal for ferries o...

The Ferry Building is a terminal for ferries on the San Francisco Bay and an upscale shopping center located on The Embarcadero in San Francisco, California. The Bay Bridge can be seen in the background. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


More about Chris Jordan and his film, Midway…

Chris Jordan’s message from the gyre

by criedy

I’ve been an admirer of Chris Jordan’s digital photographic art for several years now. HisRunning the Numbers series paints an unflattering portrait of American and global consumer culture that presents environmental messages in a fresh light. He creates images using repetition of familiar consumer items and waste, typically with an ironic twist. For example, below is his work ‘Whale‘ from 2011.


Whale, 2011 by Chris JordanWhale, 2011 by Chris Jordan

What at first glance seems to be a nice picture of a whale turns out to be something more sinister. The work is constructed (digitally) from 50,000 plastic bags, equal to the estimated number of pieces of floating plastic in every square mile in the world’s oceans. The website allows you to zoom in to see the individual plastic bags, as shown in the view below of the whale’s eye. It’s a sad indictment on the state of the Earth’s oceans.


Whale, 2011, detail by Chris JordanWhale, 2011, detail by Chris Jordan

On Midway Atoll, a remote cluster of islands more than 2000 miles from the nearest continent, the detritus of our mass consumption surfaces in an astonishing place: inside the stomachs of thousands of dead baby albatrosses. The nesting chicks are fed lethal quantities of plastic by their parents, who mistake the floating trash for food as they forage over the vast polluted Pacific Ocean.

For me, kneeling over their carcasses is like looking into a macabre mirror. These birds reflect back an appallingly emblematic result of the collective trance of our consumerism and runaway industrial growth. Like the albatross, we first-world humans find ourselves lacking the ability to discern anymore what is nourishing from what is toxic to our lives and our spirits. Choked to death on our waste, the mythical albatross calls upon us to recognize that our greatest challenge lies not out there, but in here.

~ Chris Jordan, Seattle, February 2011

In 2009, Jordan began travelling to Midway Atoll, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 2,000 miles from the nearest continent. What he found and photographed there is sickening. Inside the stomachs of dead baby albatrosses he found deadly plastic waste from human civilisation that had found its way even to this remote place.

The photographs he took are macabre and disturbing. These intimate portraits of death by plastic are strangely beautiful, yet behind each photograph is a story of pain and suffering that tears at your heart. I’ve included a selection of his photographs below.

Photo from Midway by Chris Jordan
Photo from Midway by Chris Jordan





Jordan is currently working on a film about his experiences on the island, called Midway. The trailer is below. I find it even more haunting than the images, because it shows the pain that lies unspoken in the photographs. If anyone ever doubts the impact that humans have on the Earth, show them this trailer and these images. Our civilisation brings death even to this remote part of the globe. We must find new ways to live with our beautiful planet that work with the Earth’s systems, not against them. For some people, this artwork will bring that message home more powerfully than words ever can.



The artwork Ben Franklin by artist Chris Jordan

The artwork Ben Franklin by artist Chris Jordan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)




An Imagined Earth

I’ve been an admirer of Chris Jordan’s digital photographic art for several years now. His Running the Numbers series paints an unflattering portrait of American and global consumer culture that presents environmental messages in a fresh light. He creates images using repetition of familiar consumer items and waste, typically with an ironic twist. For example, below is his work ‘Whale‘ from 2011.

What at first glance seems to be a nice picture of a whale turns out to be something more sinister. The work is constructed (digitally) from 50,000 plastic bags, equal to the estimated number of pieces of floating plastic in every square mile in the world’s oceans. The website allows you to zoom in to see the individual plastic bags, as shown in the view below of the whale’s eye. It’s a sad indictment on the state of the Earth’s oceans.

On Midway Atoll, a remote…

View original post 351 more words

Our Earth, Air and Water Pollution Affects All Life…Midway, a film by Chris Jordan.

JOIN OUR MAILING LIST. trailer; about; donate; blog –


Midway Film

P.O.Box 1424

New York, NY 10276

ReBlogged: Published on Feb 18, 2013, from 

“This video is about an island in the ocean at 2000 km

from any other coast line.

Nobody lives,

only birds and yet,

you will not believe what you will see here.

Please don’t throw anything into the sea.

Unbelievable, just look at the consequences.”

Bill Moyers…Democracy for Dollars…Congress 2012


US journalist and commentator Bill Moyers

Friend Nature is off to San Francisco Tomorrow (2/17) to Join the Sierra Club and…JOIN US!


English: Picture of San Francisco at Sunset. F...

English: Picture of San Francisco at Sunset. Français : San Francisco au coucher du soleil. (Photo credit: Wikipedia


ALSO A REMINDER…Later from San Francisco…


D.A. Hartley of Friend Nature, artist,  has a Radio Interview

with Blog Talk Radio in the afternoon,

February 17th at 3:30, Pacific Time with 

Contemplative, Expressive and Imaginative Arts

Liana Voia (MA, PhD) conducted all video

and radio interviews in the arts/therapy series. 

Here is the link to the program:–fine-artist-and-muralist

My Art Site:


Thank you! Come to San Francisco,

or attend a protest in your area, or write your congress representative!



ReBlogged from:



San Francisco February 17

Encircle the State Department Office at One Market Plaza
Demand that the Department reject Keystone XL permit
March in Solidarity with the LARGEST climate demonstration in Washington D.C. yet!

On September 24, 2011, over 1,500 people came to San Francisco for Moving Planet “A Day to Move Beyond Fossil Fuels” sponsored by

Let’s make it clear to President Obama  that climate’s time is now. The first step he can take is to reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, then he must lead the effort to reduce carbon pollution from dirty power plants and move us beyond coal, oil and natural gas by firing up our clean energy economy. Then we’ll know he means what he says about protecting our climate.
Over 600 people have already signed up to come to the Bay Area Forward on Climate Rally. How fast can we get to 1,500?
– Join the Forward on Climate Bay Area event on Facebook
– Include the RSVP link in your email signature
 Follow Forward on Climate SF on Twitter


sponsor logos


  • 350 Sacramento
  • 350 Santa Cruz
  • Acterra
  • Alliance for Climate Education (ACE)
  • Better Future Project
  • Beyt Tikkun
  • California Nurses Association
  • CA League of Conservation Voters
  • CalPIRG
  • Climate Reality Project
  • Climate Ride
  • Clean Water Action
  • CodePink
  • Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda (CASA)
  • Cool the Earth
  • Dream Menders
  • Earth Day SF
  • Earth Law Center
  • East Bay Bicycle Coalition
  • East Bay Move to Amend
  • Ecology Center
  • Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
  • Everybody Solar
  • Food & Water Watch
  • Golden Gate Electric Vehicle Association
  • Green Party of California
  • Green Party of Santa Clara County
  • Green Sangha
  • Idle No More
  • Idle Free Oakland
  • inNative
  • John George Democratic Club
  • Kehilla Community Synagogue
  • Local Clean Energy Alliance
  • Face Painting
  • Marin Green Party
  • Marin Water Coalition
  • Monterey Rising Tide
  • Movement Generation
  • Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center
  • Network of Spiritual Progressives
  • Occupy Forum
  • Occupy SF Environmental Justice Working Group
  • Our City
  • Palo Alto Community Environmental Partnership
  • Palo Alto Neighborhood Green Teams
  • Peninsula Democratic Club
  • Physicians for Social Responsibility – San Francisco Bay
  • Post Carbon Institute
  • Progressive Democrats of Marin
  • Progressive Democrats Sonoma County
  • Public Banking Institute
  • Rainforest Action Network (RAN)
  • SaveWithSunlight
  • Sierra Club, Mother Lode Chapter
  • Stop Fracking California State
  • Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL)
  • Transition Albany
  • Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry, CA
  • United Native Americans
  • Universe Spirit
  • Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club
Please contact Jessica Dervin-Ackerman at to add your organization as an endorser.

Let us revere all of Nature, and her creatures!

First Light Productions

The Red Wolf

is revered in the south. Arkansas State University Athletic teams call themselves the Red Wolves. People there should step up in its defense. But it doesn’t appear they are.

The few Red Wolves left in the wild, saved from extinction by a breeding program and nearly all located in the state of North Carolina, are being killed by hunters at an alarming rate.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service records show that 10 Red Wolves out of total wild population of around 100 were killed by suspected gunshot last year. At least three of these deaths were reported by hunters who claimed they thought they were shooting at a coyote. Okay, the Red Wolf looks a lot like a coyote. But putting aside the notion that any responsible hunter should study their intended prey carefully before pulling the trigger—it’s fair to ask what is humane about spotlighting animals…

View original post 601 more words